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Talent Magnet

With over 25 years of professional experience with some of the top MNCs in the field of HR, Education, Journalism and Communication in the Middle East, Munther Murjan’s ability to assess peoples’ strengths and potential made him an ideal client’s ambassador.

Working as an HR professional in different industries, Munther was frustrated with lack of professionalism amongst the recruitment services providers, and one day he decided to take the matter in his own hand by taking on the Talent Consultant role and since he is committed to raising the standards in the industry.

He has worked with a myriad of businesses and people in professional assignments in the region, which helped him understand the local cultural nuances between different Arab countries and expand his network geographically.

Being fully aware of the challenges and client’s pain point Munther is quick to understand and bridge the client’s talent gap with keen focus on culture fit. His natural networking skills and genuine interest in the candidates’ professional life makes him the go-to person for many in aspiration of career development.
Munther Murjan is friendly, committed, open-minded, and analytical. His legacy is to help others realize their true potential and achieve their dreams.